Friday, October 11, 2013


Hello Friends of LifePoint Church!

This blog has move to a new location. It is now Click below to be taken to the new site.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Guest Blogger: Melissa Duke on what it's like to be "Here AND There"

We have a lovely guest blogger today... Melissa Duke is making her debut here at the LifePoint blog. For those of you who don't know Melissa, she is the mother of three incredible kids and married to an incredibly handsome, charming and intelligent church planter...

You can find Melissa blogging at further ado...

Here and There

The Long Goodbye
For several months we have been calling our life the "the long goodbye" because for about the last year we have been trying to transition between living here to moving there.  Several years ago now, we started telling people we are close to, that someday we would be moving on from here to plant a church.  Someday is now here and we are still living in the midst of that transition.  I expect that the reality of the situation won't really hit until we've actually been there for awhile.  Of course we do have to get there first.  

House Update: 
We are almost completely done with the sale of our house!  A buyer emerged toward the middle of December.  We had an offer just before Christmas.  We countered the offer and he accepted it.  He had the inspection done on December 27th and has been having a variety of people come make estimates on repairs the first few weeks of this month.  We went into the formal contract phase this week. Barring any unforeseen complications, we should be closing on our house here on February 15th.  Unfortunately, because this is a difficult market, we are not going to be making enough on the house here to be able to put a downpayment on something there.  We do feel fortunate to be able to walk away without being completely upsidedown, but I have to say it is a bit of a disappointment.

Bad News/Good News
The bad news is, we are having a difficult time finding something affordable to rent in the area that we feel called to work.  There are many factors as we move there that we feel need to fall into place and they just haven't yet.  That news could be worse if there weren't good news to go along with it.  The good news is that we don't have to be out of our house on February 15th if we don't have another place to live yet.  The buyer doesn't need to live here until the summer and will be extending us an occupancy agreement should we need it.  The trouble is, we are more than ready to be there and not here, so we would love not to need it.

"Who goes there?"
Some very exciting news is that we've already begun to minister in south Santa Fe (there).  We have been holding church services for the past few weeks at our friends' home there and it has been very encouraging.  Building new relationships there has only made it more evident to us how much we need to be there to do all that we are called to do.  While we are so thankful for the many incredible relationships we have built here, it is time for us to move forward.  

"I Don't Know"
These are the words that I find myself saying far too often these days.  I know that I am tired of saying them so I can't even fathom how tired my kids are to hear them.  "When are we moving there?" "I don't know."  "Where are we going to live there?"  "I don't know."  It is hard for me so I know it is much more difficult for them.  The great news is that I know who does know and I can trust Him.  He has a plan for us there, and I need to remind myself everyday when I'm feeling discouraged that His ways are higher than my ways.  Some days aren't as hard as others. Thank goodness!

Limbo Continues
So, do we pack like we are moving there next week or do we relax and enjoy the remainder of our time here?  It is a hard balance.  I've been working on packing things we don't use everyday but I don't want to live in a carboard jungle for too long.  I've been trying to plan sleepovers, play dates  and get togethers with special friends (both mine and theirs) so that this transition is fun too.  I'm hoping when it is all said and done, we will get to have all these memories stored up for the times when it isn't so easy there, because I know there will be days when we really miss it here. It would be wrong not to feel that way about a place that we have called home for so long and for people that we have considered family here.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Recent Update to Our Home Church, FBC-LA

Dear FBC-LA,

It has been a busy first couple of weeks of 2013 and of LifePoint Church. Here are a few things to update you on, some prayer requests, and info on how to contribute financially to LifePoint Church.

First Worship Services
That's right, I said "service(s)". 

On Sunday, January 6th, our family and the family of Danny and Rachael Purcell met for the very "first" worship service of LifePoint Church-Santa Fe. In meeting together for praise/worship and sharing, Danny and Rachael have officially joined us as our first members! Praise God! Many of you know Danny and Rachael from their days at FBC-LA. Danny is a fulltime Army National Guardsman (Major Purcell) in Santa Fe. Rachael is a full-time mom and full-time business woman (Cutting Edge Flowers). Rachael is also Rita Brake's big sister! The Purcell's have three awesome kids: Keilah (age 10), Christian (age 9), and Summer (Age 7). Praise God for the Purcells!

This Sunday, January 20th, we will have our second "first worship service". We will be having a worship service at 4:00pm at the Purcells home open to people who desire to hear about the vision of LifePoint-Santa Fe touching the community of South Santa Fe and beyond. We'll be having a time a praise/worship and then a message from me sharing the gospel and the vision of LifePoint. We'll be inviting those present to consider asking Christ to be their Lord and Savior as well as challenging those who already have to consider joining LifePoint's vision of reaching Santa Fe for Christ.

Upcoming Events
The worship service this Sunday (20th) is the beginning of what we call "3-D Mini-Church". Our long-range goal is to launch LifePoint on a large-scale (renting space/advertisement/etc.) in January 2014 with 4 "preview services (rent space/large scale)" September through December 2014 (one a month). In the mean time we will be having "3-D Mini-Church". This is regular worship services that are designed to be 3-D: Discover, Develop, and Deploy. 

Discover - A place where un-churched individuals and families can come and discover who Christ is.
Develop - A place where those who discover Christ can begin to learn to walk with Him and live in community with the Body of Christ at LifePoint Church.
Deploy - Challenging those who are developing as new disciples of Christ to go out into their community and share their discovery of Him. 

April 2013 - FBC-LA Mission Trip (see details in the "Prayer Requests") section below.

During the months of January - August we will also be conducting neighborhood surveys, prayer walks, connecting with existing community outreaches (to the less-fortunate), holding block-party outreaches, beginning discovery home groups (Life Groups, and much more.

Seeking New Partners
In addition to FBC-LA, there are other churches and entities who are/will partner with us. Several weeks ago, the Baptist Convention of New Mexico and North American Mission Board pledged to assist us financially for the next three years. I have also made presentations to the Santa Fe Baptist Association and the Jemez Mountain Baptist Church who are also prayerfully considering joining in supporting LifePoint Church-Santa Fe.

Many have inquired as to how individuals can contribute directly to Life-Point Church-Santa Fe. You may contribute to this ministry by either making a check or offering envelope payable to First Baptist Church, make a memo to "LifePoint Church" and drop in in the offering plate. Or you may mail your contribution to:

Check payable to: LifePoint Church
LifePoint Church
c/o FBC-LA

There are two particular financial needs. 
The first is the "operating budget". This includes the planter's "housing/salary", medical insurance, church operations, etc. We are currently at 70% of our monthly needed funding. If you would like to contribute a monthly amount (e.g. $10,$20,$50,$100, ____) to the "operating budget" or a one time gift to the same, please indicate that on your contribution. 

The second financial need is for "start-up costs". We have a "one-time budget" of around $28,000 for what is termed "start-up costs". This includes technology , office equipment, rental space (for 4 "pre-launch service in Fall 2013), publicity and promotion materials, sound system and a portable church unit. We have about 40% money needed for startup costs. We are hoping to fully fund "start-up costs" be the end of the Spring (May 31st). If you would like to give a one-time gift to these start-up costs, please note that on your check or contribution envelope (memo: LifePoint "Start-Up Costs").

If God lays it on your heart to partner with us by contributing to LifePoint financially, please let us know. We would like to both thank you personally as well as keep you updated on the progress of the church. You may contact me directly at or by calling/texting (505) 490-2853.

Prayer Matters
In addition to praying for our upcoming Sunday service, here are some ways that you can be praying for us and for LifePoint Church

Moving - Right now we are waiting on the reports from the buyer of our home (Los Alamos) relative to the recent home inspections. From that point we are able to finalize the negotiated purchase price and firm-up our projected closing date of Feb 15th. We ask for your prayers that this will be a relatively painless process and that our experience with the buyer will be positive and Christ-honoring.

We are currently looking for a home to lease in the Rancho Viejo area (South Santa Fe). This is relatively tricky due to it being a specific area of town and a smaller number of rental units coming available. We ask for your prayers that we are able to find an affordable home to lease with adequate space for our family of five to move around in(I will have the church office operating out of our home). Our prayer is that we find a place to lease by Feb 1st. 

Protection - When God has laid something big on someone's heart, be sure that Satan is present and actively working to defeat it. We ask that you pray for the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental protection of the Holy Spirit over myself, Melissa, Emily, Megan and Ryan. We ask that you pray regularly for the health of our marriage and the health of our family. We also ask you to pray for that same protection over the Purcell family as they make this great commitment.

Favor - We know that God is already working in Santa Fe in the lives of those that we will come into contact with. We ask that you pray for Christ's favor as we establish relationships with neighbors, store-workers, new-friends, etc. We ask that God would open up the doors to share Christ with those in the community who are ripe to receive him. We ask that you would pray for "early victories" in sharing Christ with the community of Santa Fe. We ask that God would begin to open doors of favor to places that we can meet in the future.

Mission Trip - FBC-LA is planning a mission trip to Santa Fe during the week of Spring Break (April 6-13). The group that comes will be assisting us with "door-to-door" surveys, community outreach and end the week with a block party at an out-door venue. We ask that you would pray for those who need to commit to this mission trip. It will be an exciting time where those on the team will get to experience what it is really like to begin a new church. We ask that you pray that God will open the necessary doors so that we can have a great community outreach that week. (For info on how you can participate in this mission trip, contact Rita Brake at

I'll wrap up this manifesto by thanking you once again for your love and commitment to me, Melissa, our family and to LifePoint Church. It's your commitment, assistance, and prayer for us that has enabled us to enter this adventure as prepared as we are. For that I thank you.

I have set up a "blog" that you can go to for information about the church, it's structure and process, as well as ongoing prayer requests and information. Click

In Him,


Thursday, January 17, 2013

As I Drove Through the City... heart was awakened to spiritual lostness. I had driven through it countless times before. This city was our “go to” place for shopping, date nights and just “getting away”. However, I was starting  to see it differently than before. It is a beautiful community, with incredible culture, art, and history. But, it is, for the most part, without Christ. Under the veneer of progressiveness and creativity are people who are hurting and hungry for Truth. What if a church was begun with the purpose of learning and speaking the “language” and heartbeat of this diverse community to present the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ? This began a journey of surrender for myself, my wife, and my family to the vision of planting a church in Santa Fe, NM.